Hello there!
I’m Hannah Reasoner. My life is full of love, laughter, and people I dearly love. I grew up in a small Kansas town, went to Arkansas for college, met by husband there and followed him to Texas. And, now we are back in that small Kansas town raising our three boys.
Once upon a time, I learned that I could turn every life experience into an opportunity to grow. So, that’s what I decided to do. I set out on a journey to serve mothers because we all can use a little support now and again, right?
Growing up, my own mother encouraged us to discover and live out our inner truth each day. Through her wisdom, we learned about God, natural health, birthing babies naturally, loving unconditionally, and living each day to the fullest. Today, she looks down on us from heaven and her mothering inspirations have given way to the women I am today and what I desire to share with you.
My days are spent nurturing and playing with my kiddos, experimenting and creating goodies in my kitchen and making potions and creations with my doTERRA essential oils. I enjoy food, reading and research, essential oils, listening to inspirational teachers, time with God and myself, traveling to new and exciting places, Sunday afternoon drives through the country, the smell of newborn babies, and good old-fashioned face time with people and connecting with their hearts.
I believe that life is good, life has meaning, life has purpose, and life has potential.
I married the love of my life, Scott. Our boys are full of energy, giggles, roughness and super hero powers. Happy Mothering to you!

Hi, I’m Hannah.
I am on a mission to help mothers learn how to take care of their families using essential oils in a natural and safe way. I am here to guide you in learning ways to use essential oils for emotional and physical support in an effective and affordable way. Join me in the journey!